Sunday, June 26, 2005

Arriving Kuala Lumpur

Between Me & KL
之后到KL Sentral 的麦记吃汉堡。这是我为自己安排的进食治疗法:吃掉坏情绪!这间麦记是我(目前)认为整体上表现最好的连锁店,还有,我可以在这里听见我最喜欢的地铁呼啸而过。当我看着人们忙碌地穿梭于这栋设计前卫时尚的建筑物时,我得感激这座城市,此刻的我是觉得如此的自豪和骄傲,并愿意继续为她付出更多。

Cheer Up
最近的心情不快乐,也没有伤感,只是一直想听陈绮贞的歌,所以去到KLCC的Tower Record打算买专辑,却发现那里没有卖她的CD......
词 曲:陈绮贞
《A Practice》
好几天了没有你的消息 才发现其实想着你 当爱被紧紧的锁在心底 自由就张开翅膀飞出去 还需要一点幽默的心情 才能面对你失望的离去 快乐的气氛也许能暂时逃避 却又让伤害更彻底 我被恐惧深深的囚禁 我没有力气逃出去 每一天都是新的练习 用今天换走过去 用明天换走失去的

《After 17》一步一步走过昨天我的孩子气我的孩子气给我勇气…每天每天电视里贩卖新的玩具我的玩具是我的秘密自从那一天起我自己做决定自从那一天起不轻易接受谁的邀请自从那一天起听我说的道理when i am after 17…

Flight A308 To Singapore Is Canceled...

...passengers please proceed to special counter at Terminal King Edward,thank you.
Yeah,I got no offer from gov universities,UTAR is my next destination in stead of doing appeal.Wish everyone be good!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Full Moon Effect

(吉隆坡訊)國能總部分配組副主席艾沙拉奧說,這場大火造成的損失高達500萬令吉,她向武吉免登區的電流用戶承諾,電流供應將全面恢復正常。 艾沙拉奧也鄭重指出,吉隆坡雙峰塔其中一座大樓在同一時間發生停電的事件,與轉駁站爆炸事件沒有關係,她相信這是由於國油雙峰塔內部電流系統的問題所造成。
Last but not least,do u believe in full moon effect?

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Flight A308 To Singapore Is Delayed Until Second Annoucement

The full moon did not give any good or bad sign lastnight,i still worrying about "am i getting a place in gov university",although it's just a blind,similar to falling in love with someone for 2 years,and now is waiting his or her answer:"break up or let's get marry!" .
To be honest,I 'd rather see the IPTA website showing me:sorry,your name is not in the list",than receive a given course that thrown me to think about:what am i gonna to do in the future with this "don't know what it's?" degree?If I fail to get an offer,but i will be happy to know the government really do their job to select qualified student.But,if i success to enter gov university,i will truly disappointed for the "not professional attitude" of some gov officers.
However,the delay is really make everyone feel frustrating,hope the decision maker will release the result a.s.a.p.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Next Fly To NYC Will Depart Within 1 Hour

OMG!My housemate had brought in a Play Station!That is mean my house will have a 24 hours on-going party,coz everyone are so in love with PS that only offer 2 places for crazy players one time.So,the house has a PS,some AV product,and a few PCs,great,it's not only a shelter anymore,it has become a leisure center,my point is what u can do in the house, are sleeping and playing.It was heaven,but not for a student,somehow,others,that are student too,are having good time,perhaps they come for a vacation with a schooling reason.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Arriving New Kong

2 days to go til weekend!guess what,i am over sleep again today,actually,i repeated the history everyday:adjust the alarm 2 hours before the first lecture on the particural day,after i heard the alarm,then i just press any button on the alarm to let it call me again after 10 minutes,and the process will go on for the next one hour.After that, i make myself wake up to prepare for schooling when i know i only have less than 1 hour to prepare myself.This bad habit make me sick because I have lectures six days a week!However,it is more worst on sunday,I only wake up after noon,then have my breakfast and lunch together.Ok,no more words for sleeping now due to i am pretty tire now,but I have a lot of things to do after this.
Besides,I like to talk about the interview of community socialogy just now.I got a compliment from the interviewer for my good writing in chinese,and he asked me:"are u going to be a reporter?""Yup!"I said proudly.
"Dear God,I will go oversea if You award me the fly ticket,and I will be the best reporter in the future if You like to delay my fly to oversea.All I want to do,I will do it for You.Amen"