Sunday, July 29, 2007


So many things to buy nowadays yet I’m lack of money to do so.

I’m typical consumerist. I always desire to buy a lot of things without further thinking and most of the stuffs are not necessities.

When I came across the philosophy of “Not Buying It” in HK’s City Magazine, then I realize this is the only solution for shopaholics.

Starting August 2007, I determine to cut cost on unnecessary spending:

1)Books, I could borrow them for university library.

2)Design magazines, decided to abandon design because I’m not studying design, though I love it, so I will focus in news magazine, such as TIME, YaZhou ZhouKan, EyeAsia.

3)Newspaper, experience shown I have had overestimate self to read paper everyday, will change preference to online news.

4)Music CD, internet downloading is so convenient, moreover, I'm satisfy with the music in my PC at the moment.

5)Movie, preparing to go to cinema is tiring: grooming, take public transports, traffic jam, long queue for the ticket, buy popcorn, unavoidable delay and miss out opening of the movie and so on.

6)Junk Food, I consume them whenever I stress out, stop buying and keep it in the room my next step.

7)Fast Food, obviously is unhealthy and costly diet, economical meal is good enough, I’m an active audience, I can resist and ignore the advertising temptation!

Estimate spending less RM220 per month, then I can use the money to pay my rental.


Anonymous said...



K. Hans Henry said...


Anonymous said...

you can make it

K. Hans Henry said...

thanks, Yap~

Mee Ling said...


K. Hans Henry said...
